hello. my name is jim bishop. this is what i look like today:
very busy today. leaving for the airport around 2; flight doesn't leave until 5. jack is insisting :-) ate at that same restaurant we ate at the night before. it's called chez mayflower. we ate out with alex (a friend of ella), his sister (victoria), and his roommate. they are the ones in the pics!!
i was running late getting back from san francisco because (get ready to be jealous, jessica) i picked up mehryar in the city. he looks great. he's working for linkExchange which got bought by Microsoft, so he had all kinds of fun gossip.
while i was driving north on the 101, i saw the garden.com's topiary billboard. ummmm.. i think someone forgot to water it. :-)
email me to wish me god speed in my journeys
or look at what i looked like yesterday.
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