Tuesday, August 1, 2000


hello. my name is jim bishop. this is what i look like today:


in the interest of a couple of vocal readers of my web site, i'm going to start each day with a synopsis, so that they don't have to be "burdened" with the weight of the full on jimbishop.org/today prose.


  • margaret gets pulled over because i have a warrant out for my arrest. (read)
  • i joined a gym. went to a kickboxing class. (read)
  • tonight i'm having dinner with lane and brian. (read)
  • i rant about the republican convention. (read)

------end synopsis------

last night was interesting.

so i get home from work yesterday about ten minutes before margaret does. as soon as i heard the door thud closed i knew something was wrong. what do i do? because i'm a coward, i hid in the backroom and tried to pretend i wasn't here.

she found me anyway.

margaret then proceeds to tell me that she got pulled over in our neighborhood because the cops are looking for me. she said that one cop car followed her for a while until another cop car joined in, and then he pulled her over. the officer then approached the car with his hand on his gun until he saw that it was a woman and not me, the horrible felon, behind the wheel.

what draws all of this defensiveness from the austin police department?? i didn't pay my expired registration tag ticket! oh my god!! the world is going to end. send out an APB. call in the national guard! is there no sense of proportion in law enforcement?? it reminds of something that happened to me in september of last year, except that was all jessica pease's fault.

i have partially learned from my lesson. i'm going to go pay my warrants at lunch because i don't want to go to jail. :-)

after all of that excitement, i went to the gym with kavita and ella. i joined world gym yesterday. whoo hoo! so it should only be a few more days until i'm totally buff. that's how it works, right? anyway...

i'm taking a kickboxing class with kavita and ella. i am a big, lumbering doof. i wish i could take photos of me in this class. that would be the end-all-be-all of great jimbishopPhotography (sm).

tonight i'm going to go to a nia class. ("neuromuscular integrative action. a terrific workout with a mind/body/spirit connection. free flowing movement based on dance, martial arts, and more! for all fitness levels." so saith the pamphlet.) sounds kind of fruity--just like me. should be interesting.

after my neuromuscular integrative action, i'm meeting lane becker and brian baker for dinner, and then i think we're going to go see better living through circuitry.

on the drive home from the gym last night, i was listening to the republican convention on NPR. why is colin powell a republican? he gave this incredible speech where he said that the republican party hasn't always been the most racially tolerant bunch of people, and then he said that it was a travesty to see republican congresspeople speak out against affirmative action when it's for african-american children, but they line up to help big business with corporate welfare.

my jaw dropped. can you believe it? i can't believe he got to say those words to that big bunch of yokels. i use the term "yokel" here because earlier in the evening i heard representative henry j. hyde of illinois call some of the NPR reporters "a bunch of fine lookin' women." an NPR reporter corrected him. he said, "we call them excellent reporters, representative hyde."

jesus christ. you last saw henry hyde preaching how immoral bill clinton was.

email me to talk of your unfortunate incarcerations,
or look at what i looked like yesterday.



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