on the drive home from the gym last night, i was listening to the republican convention on NPR. why is colin powell a republican? he gave this incredible speech where he said that the republican party hasn't always been the most racially tolerant bunch of people, and then he said that it was a travesty to see republican congresspeople speak out against affirmative action when it's for african-american children, but they line up to help big business with corporate welfare.
my jaw dropped. can you believe it? i can't believe he got to say those words to that big bunch of yokels. i use the term "yokel" here because earlier in the evening i heard representative henry j. hyde of illinois call some of the NPR reporters "a bunch of fine lookin' women." an NPR reporter corrected him. he said, "we call them excellent reporters, representative hyde."
jesus christ. you last saw henry hyde preaching how immoral bill clinton was.