Wednesday, July 19, 2000


hello. my name is jim bishop. this is what i look like today:


me, kyle, and meg
okay, whew! what a week it has been already.

kyle got here friday night, and the whirlwind hasn't stopped. over the weekend, meg and i took kyle out several times. saturday, we took kyle to eat chinese food, and then we took him to see "titan A.E." titan A.E. was really cool. the animation is incredible. the storyline is ho-hum. the best part was that until a minute before the movie started we were the only ones in the theater. i promised kyle that if we were the only ones in the theater, we could watch the movie without our pants on. he thought this was great fun. lots of people (AKA kavita) don't think the watching movies with your pants off joke is funny. i on the other hand think it's hilarious, so did kyle, and isn't that all that matters? later that night, kyle and i went to spiderhouse to meet dan. i got lots of "bad parent" looks because kyle was with me at 1:30 in the morning at a coffee shop. hee hee.

sunday, we went to breakfast at laura's bluebonnet cafe. this boy doesn't eat. oh well. then, we went to see "x-men" with dan and rami. kyle thought "x-men" was great. we got everything packed up that night to go camping. kyle and i went to the grocery store to get everything ready for the trip. more bad parent looks; it was around two when we got home from the store.

camping in texas in july is ... a mistake. too hot to imagine. the first thing we did was set up camp, and we went swimming as fast as possible. then, we went back to camp and had dinner. that burnt looking thing was cherry cobbler. it was actually very good; just a little over done. :-)

the next day, we decided to NOT camp there another night. it was so hot over night that none of us slept very well, so we broke camp and went swimming again.

little kids remember EVERYTHING you say and do. it's scary. don't let them watch "south park!" ummmmm... not that i made that mistake...

anyway, kyle told us that his teacher had told him that gay people were bad. that really freaked margaret and i out, so we told him that she was very, very wrong and most likely just a bad person. when we got home last night, we made him watch the three hour "will and grace" marathon.

i am guilty of teaching him bad things as well, but mine are funny. so far, i've taught him that germans wear white shoes with black socks, and that canadians are our worst state. funny, no?

oh yeah. so katherine, margaret's sister, will stop whining. you can get all of the pictures in a non-javascript form here.

email me to tell me what a horrible job i'm doing,
or look at what i looked like yesterday.



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